I know the ob generally won't see you for infertility until you've been trying for 12+ months, but does that same rule apply when just wanting to regulate periods? I have been spotting/bleeding off and on for months and i didn't know if they'd see me yet. We've been trying for 5 months but I can't get my periods regular. Also I track my CM and BBT and there is no sign of ovulation and hasn't been in 5 months.
@tlw1596, that's why I'm going. I've heard of a medication that will regulate you but it is birth control. I also had a miscarriage about 5 months ago so I definitely feel like something is wrong.
Well with me she said like 6 months cuz I had two pregnancies one was a miscarriage and if not then she will give me a referral to see why I haven't so it depends on your doctor
I understand that, I'm not sure there is a lot they can do about regulating your period without using birth control. but I'm also not a doctor. it wouldn't hurt to ask though
I'm just trying to get my periods regulated right now. Once that happens then I'll be considered as "trying" right now I'm just considered not preventing it since I'm not on birth control. But I'm not exactly trying in the eyes of the doctors. Just trying to get regular for now. @tlw1596
Say you started right after they were born! Some couples do since right after pregnancy you're most fertile. I'm not sure how long you're supposed to wait after having baby to try *im still trying myself*, but just sayin! 😏😉