Tomorrow is the day! 🙌🏽 I chose the date of my c-section so I could have everything in order and wouldn't ya know! Everything is falling to pieces 😡 had two plans and somehow both are fucked up! Plan 1 my boys would sleep at a friend's house who rides the bus with them and 1 of the moms are stuck in Florida. Plan 2 was my mother (😤) would come today and put the boys on the bus as I have to be at the hospital by 6 am and this woman tells me she has no carfare to come. Like, you knew the plan for months and you couldn't save $3 to get here?! I'm tired of having to pay her way to do things! I'm tired of having to beg her to spend time with her grandkids and I'm especially tired of trying to force a relationship with her seeing as she treated me like shit growing up! I'm 28 and she put me out at 14 for her husband! The amount of emotional, physical and mental abuse they put me through was enough to break anyone and I didn't speak to her for years after! Then I had to think of my siblings so I forced myself to attempt to rebuild a relationship and to this day she still does dumb shit and I'm just tired! I give up! Ill just have my husband stay and put the kids on the bus and meet me afterwards at the hospital! I know he can't take off work everyday to do it but I'll figure it out! My ancestors will not have me come me thus far to fail! Okay rant over! Sorry y'all! 😞