so we lost the pacifier about a week ago I haven't gotten anymore because I want wean her off of it . So far so good in my opinion . until tonight around 10 , 1030 I started to try and put her down to go to sleep and she became very irritable and whiney so at first I'm thinking she's over tired but an hr later she's still crying doesn't want to lay down so I started walking around w her she calmed down and drifted off as soon as I sat down she went off again for another 30 min nothing was working anymore so dad takes her and he's all mean and yelling at her smh he makes her a bottle but she's not taking it so I take her back she calmed down and took the bottle now she's sleep. finally . I'm trying to figure out if her behavior was from not having the pacifier or teething my daughter will be one in a couple weeks and still doesn't have any teeth smh so I'm always in hopes that she'll wake up w a tooth