I am so irritated last week I had lithotripsy (laser surgery) to brake up and remove a kidney stone in my right kidney well the doctor messed up and I ended up with a hematoma (bruise filled with blood and urine) I ended up hospitalized for 3 days because I have a cut in my kidney and they didn't know if it had stopped bleeding or not now I'm home on strict bed rest I'm a new mom and my family won't even let me hold my daughter they are constantly bitching at me to lay down or go to sleep they won't even let me sit at the kitchen table tomorrow is my baby's first thanksgiving and I will have like 10 people telling me I should be in bed I get how serious this all is trust me I'm the one who feels the pain I am the one who was in the hospital talking to doctors and surgeons I am the one who researched this I know that I am in for a long painful recovery and possibly a lifetime of dealing with kidney damage but I just want to enjoy being a new mother

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