De'Ja Me'Chelle 🎀
De'Ja Me'Chelle 🎀
Can you be in active labor even if your water hasn't broke?

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Yes I was in labor for 2 full days. I went in on a Monday for a check I was only dilated 1cm 60% effaced my waters were bulging. We set up my induction date for the following week( I was high risk) all day Tuesday was hell but I kept washing baby stuff trying to get through it we decided to go to the hospital early Weds morning 2am ish contractions 10 minutes apart but stuck at 1cm, was sent home Wednesday was absolute torture couldn't even move. Because they sent me home I was so stubborn to go even though I knew she was coming. Took my fiancé 4 hours to convince me until I was on the floor in excruciating pain. Finally heard him gathering stuff since we had it all packed from the night before all we had to do was get me to the car this was early Thursday morning again around 2-3am. As I walked down the first stair of the porch then the second my water broke. Checked into hospital 3:45am and 9 1/2hrs later I had my baby girl at 1:15 Thursday 8/25/16. Thank God we went when I did because I had infections, meconium stained waters, she was born not breathing lungs full of "bad" fluid and sepsis had to be ruled out. Go with your gut.
24.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
yep. they had to break my water at 8cm. most women's water doesn't break on its own
24.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
Yeah. I was in labor and baby tried to start coming out in the sack before my water broke. I started freaking out telling the nurses something is coming out! lol 😂
24.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
@cubanese, they are consistent but she said earlier I wasn't even dilated this is too much but okay thank you
24.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
yup. my mother in laws water didn't break thank God other wise my husband would've been born on the side of the road. she was fully dilated and you could see his head but the water kept him intact until they broke it in the hospital
24.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
My water never broke. . Unless doctors did it... N I have three healthy babies
24.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
@cubanese, omg really I didn't know that. I honestly think it's time but i don't want to rush to the hospital but these contractions are starting to become unbearable and closer and closer.
24.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
yep i was completely dilated and ready to push and the midwife had to break my water
24.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
Yeah I am pretty sure
24.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
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