Paulina Meeks
Paulina Meeks
I have the want to get dressed up with my man and go grocery shopping and do my hair and make-up. I want to clean the kitchen and help in the house and be ME! But simply walking three feet has me out of breath I dont like feeling useless. Im already a mom Ive done this before which was much easier I admit but I feel like I should be able to do all these things with ease and home this little merical of ours in my belly until he's ready for a safe delivery. 😭😭😭 why must it be so hard

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@paulina1417, the first trimester for me was roughhhhh! I'd get up, go to work (looking a hot mess because spending time to get ready and look decent took too much energy!) by the time I got home I could barely eat dinner before I was ready to pass out. I was usually in bed by 7/8 and my husband was on bedtime duty! A few weeks into the second trimester I was finally getting some energy! I totally understand! My first pregnancy I don't remember being as exhausted as I was this time around!
23.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
Lol awwl I use to think "when I get pregnant I'm going to slay" needless to say I've dressed like a 43 year old homeless man for the last 5 months and this month my face decided to break out. I'm like ...perfect 🙂
23.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
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