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I'm feeding baby every 3 hours from both breast which takes at least 35 mins then I express both breasts . The whole process is always at least 1 hr.... I feel exhausted. Midwife told me to do this yesterday.... it sounds too much for me? I think it's be beause baby lost 13% of her weight in 5 days after birth and they only allow up to 10%...feeling like a cow but I know it's worth it

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@littleelf85, well. I think I do... sometimes she falls asleep so I wake her up and then move to the second breast. sometimes she is 15-30 mins on first breast. .... Maybe I do take her off too early... it's so confusing . midwife is coming tomorrow to check her again
22.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
Hi, I'm going through the same at the moment. My baby has been loosing weight during the first 7 days. It was the total of 8% of his body weight. Midwife recommend the same, feeding every 3h from each breast then express on top. The whole process was taking ages so instead for full 24h I was only expressing every 3h and giving my little boy a bottle, for the next 24h I was once breastfeeding, once expressing. and today after 3 days he gained 120 grand. I know it's hard but totally worth it. Good luck
22.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
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