My daughter is 8months today and im starting to think im ready to stop breastfeeding because its so hard for me to find time to pump and when i do I barely get anything out its been like that from the beginning and my work schedule is so unpredictable. But I also really dont want to give her formula , i feel bad like im being selfish 😩 ugh

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@leiibaaaby, I've been ebf almost 11 months now. But I've weaned from pumping every 3-4 hours to just 2 times per day. Sometimes I stretch to once daily and I do get 12 ozs each time. It's definitely time consuming but we are almost to a year. If you stop pump would you still breastfeed?
22.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
I can imagine. We all get so busy it's hard to add another thing into our schedules sometimes. If you think it's too much maybe it is I am hoping to go as long as possible because formula is super expensive but your baby will be eating a lot more solids soon so it's probably not so expensive. It's definitely a personal choice my dear.
22.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
Thank you its just so hard to pump i have no time and i try and pump through out the day just over it already 😪 @breezy1993
22.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
Ultimately it's up to you! But you are almost to the finish line, they recommend a year of breast feeding for babies and up to a year and a half to help prevent us moms for being at a higher risk for breast cancer. But never feel guilty if you just can't anymore. It's whatever you think is best!
22.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
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