alesha herrod
alesha herrod
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When I find my self getting stressful and emotional and depressed I stop an sit down and think to myself to all the latenights feedings and diaper changes and crys u have to soothe to keep track of the appointments for two kids, and u an ur husband to keeping up with the house while working on fixing the house to having to keep up with ur husbands work an asking him bout his day while asking ur daughter how school was an what all is going on in school to helping ur baby learn new things two everytime u turn around two dogs needing something ,also trying to visit and keep up with families and holidays and all the shopping I have to do ...I say my family,needs me they depend on me and feel safe enough to know ill always be there when they need a shoulder a hand or a hug to boo boo fixing. Makes me,feel so special and privliaged to be those things and I wouldn't trade my life for anything ! I am the rock that keeps my family strong I love them so much!😘 and all my friends ,same goes for u,u r my family and each an every one of u mean so much

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