Omg @sashie @party_of4.. So happy I finally caved and purchased a swing.. they are so much lower than I remember lol.. and got it for 60$ at Babies R Us this past weekend. life saver I swear. Showed hubby the mamaroo lmao.. he asked the sales clerk if it has an engine or transmission.. He's like I can get a hoopty car for that price y'all must be sick n the head ROFL.. he's right cause its only for few months. I guess if your planning on having 2-3 more kids get your money's worth. Fisher Price will do just fine, cradle swing and you can turn it tradition swing direction 😉
@starting_over39, its true. When its cold an windy u feel in ur bones. Im happy im home too! Last winter was a struggle plus pregnant too.. Smh horrible. If i was rich i would leave every winter an come back in spring.
@party_of4, @sashie .. No matter how many winters we go through born here or moved here from wherever... I don't think we can ever get use to the cold.. The snow not so bad but the cold and wind naw man 😬. So happy on mat leave for this winter 😰
@sashie, @starting_over39 lord. Ok lemme try plan something. Its only getting colder. I wish it was summer we could have went to the park or something. Its legit snowing right now..😐why? Smh
@party_of4, I bought it at a consignment store lol.. Got it for 3$.. I'm cheap when it comes to clothes she'll wear for a quick minute. Not planninh on having anymore either 🤗..
@starting_over39, would be sooo nice.. Omg a sweetheart! Yes.. Lol my daughter has this 1 its from childrens place. Daddy's princess.
But the funny thing is... I bought it 4 years ago. Its from my last daughter an i still have a few things left. Thats in perfect condition like brand new. I cant believe they still sell them. Haha!! Same thing so cool!!
@sashie, i love ur baby name😍😍😍 we should have a mommy meet. One day at timmys or something all the ladies that are close by. And yes ur baby is sooooooo cute😘😘😘💞