how young is to young too try for a baby? I feel like it should matter more on your maturity, financial status, & how well your relationship is with the partner.. I want to go to a doctor & get help but I'm afraid they'll tell me I'm to young.
@allieekaay, that makes me feel relieved! which doctor do I bring this up to? my obgyn or my primary care doc? what's pcos? I think I have endometriosis.
No they can't. I'm 20 and they helped me right away, my doctor was so supportive. She told me after our consultation "LETS GET YOU PREGNANT!" I was so happy that I'm actually able to get some help. I just found out I have pcos.
I'm 18 & about to have my first baby with my husband. we've been married since March, but together since I was a freshman in high school, now him & I are graduated, living together and are stable enough for a baby. so we said why not? life is short let's bring a baby into the world. it's all up to you, don't let anyone tell you you're too young for anything. I was 14 when I met my husband & everyone told me I was too young for love and blah blah , well 4 almost 5 years later were married & living together. don't let other people's words of doubt get to you or nothing will ever work in your favor. it's your life & if you & your man want a baby, then so be it.
@naty199613, do you think they'll help me, & if so, what do you think they'll do for me ? I'm also looking into seeing if my hubby has a low sperm count but don't know what to expect or where to start.
they will help u hun just tell them uv been trying for two years and nothing that's how they help me with my son tell them u tried everything.... and I got pregnant with my first at 16 (I was also married)
I had my first at 18. I'm 24 and on my 3rd and last baby.. me and my partner have been together for 8 years and have everything together. I wouldn't let ppl talk down on you for it
Don't listen to people that talk negative. Do what will make you guys happy. There will always be people that talk poorly about something you do but as long as you guys are happy then that's all that matters. @_aaamber_
@babynessa, thank you very much :) when I went into the ER I had to go twice for different reasons, they always asked me if I was on birth control an then shamed for not being on it & acting as if having a baby is the worst thing in the world. it makes me nervous.
I'm almost married & am stable on our own. I just don't want them to tease me I guess
I don't think any doctor would tell you your young. Your an adult. I had my first at 19 I am currently 20 and wanting another baby. As long as you guys ready than that's all that matters. @_aaamber_