April Howlett
April Howlett
I'm pretty sure I've been getting strong Braxton hicks this afternoon and it's nothing to worry about... but I've started getting back ache, and the tightening sensation across the middle of bump didn't ease up when I went for a walk. It's not painful, just tight which comes and goes. I have no other symptoms really apart from occasional twinges in my pelvis area but this is possibly baby as it is moving just as much as normal. I don't want to get my hopes up, but when I read BH should release when you get up and move or exercise has me worried as mine aren't! Anyone had anything similar and it's nothing? Or should I be preparing myself? If it doesn't stop within the next couple hours I'll call the midwife. Also any contraction timers you'd recommend just in case?! Thanks in advance as always 😊 xx

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@canteloupe24, thanks hun! it eventually went away... false alarm! 🙈 guess I'm just getting impatient and when little things happen I suddenly start thinking is this it? is it happening now? can we go? Haha xx
19.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
Time how long they last and the length of time between each tightening. I had this before where it was every 10 minutes or so but it went away. If they're less than about 6 minutes apart, coming regularly and not easing up then I'd suggest ringing the maternity unit :) xx
18.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
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