I apologize in advance for the lengthy post !
So, I haven't been the best at giving updates so here it goes..
After confirming my pregnancy at the health department on October 31st, I set up an appt with my OBGYN for the very next day (November 1st). The doctor tried using this handheld sonogram machine (abdominally) to see the baby. Since it was so early, it was hard for him to tell what he was looking at. However, he thought he saw what he should have. Apparently, it's routine procedure to do blood work if you are that early to make sure you aren't having any problems. He mentioned things such as ectopic, so I got worried and was thinking that he meant it could be something I should worry about. I guess he just meant that they are required to do tests like that if they have trouble seeing, but the way he threw it out in the open like that had me worried. So the next night (November 2nd), I went to the ER because I was having some cramping that I let worry me. They did a vaginal ultrasound. It was still hard to see, but again they think they saw what they should. They also drew blood there. The following day (November 3rd), the nurse scheduled me come back in to get blood drawn again so they could compare the levels and the levels were rising (and doubling) as they should.
November 1st- 1401
November 2nd- 1883
November 3rd- 2717
The only thing they were concerned with was that my progesterone was a little low. However, it was just borderline low- not too low. They started me on progesterone pills to be safe. Also, I have MTHFR. Therefore, I have to do heparin shots twice a day when I'm pregnant. So, I've also started those as well.
I go to the OBGYN again tomorrow. I am scheduled for a vaginal ultrasound and to see the doctor as well. Hopefully we get to see baby this time and get a more accurate due date ! Hope all is well with all of you. (: