Needing to vent this morning!
I wake up to my baby crying, i had just fed him about a hour and half before he woke back up. My boyfriend asks is he hungry? I said shouldn't be. Then baby is still crying he ask well how long ago did he eat? This questions is very annoying, it's maybe 5 or 6 am I was half sleep when I fed him an I was not near a clock. How in the hell am I suppose to know I went back to sleep. Breastfeeding while in bed half sleep you typically do not know what time it is! He asks me this question multiple times throughout the day an I hate it! I already have to listen to my baby cry and cry throughout the entire day! I feel like I have a right to be annoyed! But he calls me retarded because I'm upset! Heck yeah I'm upset I'm a full time student who can barely get work done because I'm tending to my baby then living with my boyfriend I'm having to cook and clean up after a grown man! I'm beyond exhausted but when I sleep he calls me lazy. An I'm jut so annoyed because all this is weighing on me

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@mommyofsoontob3, I will try that way
15.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
mmmhmm... but they don't complain making the baby right girl...😴😪😫😩😡@motherofmon
15.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mommyof2preciousboys1216, I totally agree, my boyfriend is always complaining because I be so aggravated but then he can just up and leave when he feels like it
15.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
@motherofmon, yes it is.. taking care of kids,cooking, cleaning etc. isn't easy.... but get them to understand. my fiance gets stressed out and frustrated when he has our 5 month old and he's crying. I tell him ur already complaining try being here all day .it's not easy. WHY HAVE KIDS IF YOU CNT HELP!!!!
15.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mommyof2preciousboys1216, @mommaabee thank y'all so much it is very stressful.
15.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
I understand that feeing I was a stay at home mom for almost 3 years with my two little ones cleaning up after my husband who works 70 hour weeks it was completely stressful. But, it will get easier. If you ever need a fellow momma to talk to I'm here😊😊
15.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
exactly men just dont understand how hard it is being a mom. isn't nowhere easy but they think they dont have to help because they work all damn day SMH 😬😬😬😡
15.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
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