mums who have had their bubs.

let's talk birth stories!

how many hours of labour
time of birth
pain relief
what you did during labour
and your over all experience! 😊😊😊

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went to my 40 weeks check up and was told my son had stoped growing at 34 weeks. i was told to come in the next morning to be induced as he was now classed as high risk.
i stressed out so much that by 7 oclock the next morning my contractions started on their own at 15 minutes apart. after 27 hours of walking around the hospital and no longer than 10 minutes sleep i was moved to the birthing room and was then allowed my partner to be with me. i was 9cm's dialated and they wanted me to give birth to him fully sacked but i asked them to brake my waters to get me to 10 cm. within less than 2 hours of pushing i had given birth to my son.
31 hours and no pain relief.
tore my abdominal muscles and tore down there so had 1 hour of stitches put in.
was not a nice experiance. i wanted the epideral in the end but he was already crowning.
16.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
Yeah I don't recommend giving birth hahah. How was yoursv
16.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
i couldn't imagine throwing up so much! how awful. @carlyanaya
16.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
So 28 hour labour all up, the most fun experience ever... not!!!
16.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
My waters broke sat morning at 5 am at 38 weeks, contractions started 4pm that afternoon and went all night around 10 mins apart, about 3 am I was dying by this point they were 3 mins apart, went to hospital and they became irregular, sent me home to wait, roughly 9 am Sunday they became regular again, I was exhausted, went in and they wouldn't speed up, coming irregularly every 2 mins up to every 5 mins. Tried everything from gas to bath but nothing helped the pain, about 1 pm they checked dilation I was only 4 cm. I said I couldn't do it anymore, I was starting to shake and vomit, becoming very tired and felt like passing out but couldn't 😖 I said I would give it another hour but if nothing progressed I wanted an epi, she said she would start organising it. Checked me in the next hour and nothing happened but I was swollen, another midwife checked me and said baby looks posterior, head flexed in a jammed position. About 2 hours later I finally got the epidural and then they induced me. By this stage I felt so good I had a sleep, the pain was gone and I was exhausted howveee the epi made me vomit consistently lol but that was a breeze compared to contractions. They said I should be ready to push by 8 pm but would need to give it everything as he was in an awkward position (poor bubba!) 8 pm came and finally contractions were very close, I pushed him out in half an hour, he didn't stress apart from one minute where his heart rate rose but the second midwife was amazing and told me it would be okay, I just had to push as hard as I could and get him out. No complications after that !! Really hoping my next labour is better, I think I'll opt for an epi straight away!!!
16.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
that sounds horrible. so glad you and ava are doing well! @shivvy
15.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
Waters broke around 11am, got to the hospital around 1 and the contractions were pretty hectic by then (honestly felt like one after the other) and they were stuffing around with me had a junior trying to strap those monitoring things around my belly and I'm in agonising pain but about 45 mins later they finally checked to see how far along I was and as the lady done the internal blood started gushing out and bubs heart rate dropped for about 5 mins.. heaps of people rushed in the room and were frantically discussing what to do with me then they came to the conclusion that I needed to have an emergency c section because I wasn't dilated enough to push and bubs heart rate wasn't rising. so they're running me through the corridors while I'm in the worst pain and terrified of what was going to happen to Ava but we get to the operating room and they start preparing me for surgery. Definitely the scariest time of my life not knowing what could happen. I wish it didn't happen the way it did but I guess everything happens for a reason.. there are a lot of things I missed out on too like I wasn't able to hold her for a couple days due to some complications which breaks my heart, but she's happy and healthy now and that's all that matters
14.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
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