Kirsty Roberts
Kirsty Roberts
How many ounces can people normally express out of each boob? Xx

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@kirstysjroberts, different depending on how long since last feed/express, I express alternate boob after first 2 feeds of the day and get 5 out of each- I freeze those . I feed her all day on the boob and last feed I give her formula so express again then , but only get 2- 3 from each side. Keep going and going and your milk will get easier to manage, I've expressed from 2 weeks old- every feed - so I knew how much she was having- in heinsight, it was a waste of time an energy, and if I do it again, I will exclusively b/f and pump only if I'm going away from baby or boobs are full! Just my personal experience-read up as much as you can , hope that helps xx
12.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
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