Danaysha Ayala
Danaysha Ayala
I'm doing a research project for my psychology course and could use the help of some mommies!
If you feel comfortable, please comment below if you are on any kind of birth control. This includes but is not limited to condoms, pills, shots, patches, IUDs, nexplanon, etc.
Also, please say why you chose that birth control method instead of others, and if you have experienced any negative side effects.
If you don't feel comfortable commenting but would like to participate, feel free to message me! I'll keep is confidential!
Thanks for the help!

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I'm on the depo shot. I was on it for years before I stopped so I could get pregnant. I love it because I don't get a period and it doesn't make me feel crazy.
07.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
I have the IUD mirena. I ruled out pills because I knew I would forget (and I'm not a big pill taker anyway), I ruled out shots because I hate shots. There were poster advertisements for mirena in my OB's office, so I asked a lot about it. I weighed the pros and cons and decided to try it. It hurt pretty badly to get it put in, but that's because I have a very tight cervix. The only negative side affect that I have noticed is that my hormones are all out of wack sometimes. Like sometimes I'll get really worked up over little things, or I'll hysterically cry while being intimate. Still working through that! 😅
07.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
I use the Paraguard IUD. I chose this method because it's hormone free and doesn't effect my milk supply. It's also something I really don't have to worry about
07.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'm on nexplanon. I chose it after the mini pill had me bleeding for 6 months straight. I also wasn't willing to do an IUD for fear of damaging my uterus since I want more kids. Nexplanon has been great for me
07.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
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