When did people start using baby lotions/oils and things in their baths for little ones? I've tried to look it up because cant work it out. Don't wanna burn his skin or anything. Thanks x
Yep I got told to stay away from Johnsons products aswell.... I just use water... always have...only recently iv used oilatum in my 4 yr olds bath... but other than that I use coconut oil.. xx
I don't use anything in the bath usually as Max has very sensitive skin. I use coconut oil for his head & e45 every other nappy change. I don't rate baby products they've always dried my boys skin out more!
Dont use baby lotions :) I use natural coconut oil on Maya's skin :) and for her baths it's mostly just water and nothing else :) Except the odd night I put in some lavender bath stuff :) And I have Burts bees bubble bath (it's natural/organic) xx