The passed two nights with our newborn have been great but last night from around 10 until about 4 in the morning she just cried no matter what we done. Winding, changing, feeding, rocking, dummy (spat it out) and even read to her at one point 😂 is this normal? She is 5 days old.

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it is probably tummy pains, have tries infacol before each feed? it works wonders. xx
06.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
Completely normal. They don't know the difference between night & day for a while & it takes them time to adjust to sleeping somewhere new. Max always had a few hours at certain times of the day he was unsettled. Used to be between 7-10pm and anytime between 12-4am for the first few weeks. He had awful wind issues as well which didn't help. It's very exhausting the first few weeks lol I'm sure she'll start to settle better as time goes on don't worry 😊👍
06.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
hand sucking is a hunger sign you cant over feed a baby so there's no harm in giving her more milk x
06.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
@stephnae, how many oz is she taking during the night feed and grace hates dummy's tried in the hospital and she spits them out at the moment she's sucking her hands more a sign she could still be hungry,grace was on 3-4 oz at that age every 3-4 hours,she's now on 7 at 11 weeks old
06.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
@dannielle1996, Attempted breast in hospital but I lost a lot of blood and my milk didn't come in so went onto bottle. She had more feeds closer together than the other nights and was sooking on her fingers ect.. That's why we tried the dummy but she hated it. When we picked her up she would stop for a lil then cry again.
06.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
Are you breast or bottle feeding? Grace was like that for the first couple of nights little one could still be hungry,or just wants a cuddle,grace is now 11 weeks old today and she windges during the night just for Abit of a cuddle and to know I'm there and so is my other half
06.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
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