Here's my labour story-
I woke up at 7am feeling really off key....straight away getting twinges I have never had before so I decided to time them. They was painful but bearable so I lasted them out at home until then pain started becoming more intense and they was coming quicker I was contracting at home every 4-5 minutes so at 11am admitted to hospital where we was giving such a lovely peaceful room. Midwife checked me & I was 6cm dilated, contractions now heavier and more painful. By 1145am I was in the birthing pool!!! It was the most soothing feeling, I still at this point decided to not opt for any pain relief! By 1230ish I had urges to push. The most amazing point for me was my midwife just sat back and watched me deliver my baby how and when I wanted (my last I had epidural, so much More structured with lots of dos and etc) the pushing part was the hardest- I felt every burn and sting and as I had no pain relief I could feel everything but while my midwife guided me he finally was born it was the most amazing experience of my life. She left us in the pool skin on skin it was just breathtaking. I didn't have one tear or one stitch!!!! I felt so alive after due to no drugs it was just bloody epic. We got to go home 8 hours after having him ❤️