I just wanna tell y'all there's really no need for a birthing plan. I didn't have one, but my labor & delivery went nothing like I thought it would lol & I'm actually glad. I was only in labor for AN HOUR. Yes, 1 HOUR! I'm so blessed.
@trulyslim, I agree. i had two babies without any birth plan. of course I had ideas about what I wanted happen, but i didn't have A PLAN. with my daughtee, evwn though I read and researched before hand, nothing could have prepared me for that delivery. 20 hours of hell. 9 hours without epidural in excruciating, neverending pain to open up enough to get an epidural which ended up making me have a weird experience with shivers, falling in and out of consciousness. Pushing an over-10-pound baby for short 15 min, tearing to 4th degree. Got my daughter on my chest. while the second birth was induced, and I was petrified to end up in csection. total labor time without epidural -4 hrs, on epidural -1 hr, pushed an almost 10-pounder out in about 7 min with a 2nd degree tear. Had a 20-min cord cutting delay with baby on my chest. i didn't plan any of this. it just happened this way.
Well that too. Lol my plan was to stay relaxed at home with my SO. WRONG. He knew I was in labor because they sent us back home and he decided to go to his cousins coffee shop. Bad idea because as soon as he got there he had to come back cause I couldnt take it anymore.
Well those are things after, I mean things leading up &/or during. So that's weird, I'm sorry to hear that... They should've asked you, they def asked me. As a matter of fact they damn near threw her right on top of me as soon as she came out. @andrewsmommy
Well those are things after, I mean things leading up &/or during. So that's weird, I'm sorry to hear that... They should've asked you, they def asked me. As a matter of fact they damn near threw her right on top of me as soon as she came out. @andrewsmommy
Unless some people have specific things they want done. I didn't have a birth plan either but my labor went nothing like expected. I knew I wanted an epdiural but I wanted to do skin to skin as soom as he came out and they didn't put him on me. they took him straight to the little bed to weigh him. I wanted to do the cord delay thing and they cut it right away. He was healthy so no reason they had to rush it.