When did you give your child a pacifier ?

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My daughter got hers around 1 month after a 7 hour nursing session from not feeling good. Only time I'm giving it to her is when she nurses for a long time to give me a break and when I'm not able to feed as soon as she wants me to like in the car.
03.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mommajerbear yeah it also messes up their teeth really bad they end up getting like a buck tooth mouth. honestly I say use your best judgement. People say not to do it because you have to take it away from them but I mean boohoo who the child's going to live lol.
03.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
@reyesmomma, yeah she's going to be a month on the 8th, and I just introduced it to her today because she's been trying to nurse for comfort, and she's been sucking her lips.. So I gave it to her and she fell asleep with it.. debating how often or if I should even keep going with it. I definitely agree with you on them having the pacifier past 1 year. I don't want my two year old dependent on a binky.
03.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
I have one packed to come with me to the hospital. I'm just going to introduce it to my child as I see fit. probably will do it on the first day if I feel like it's necessary. Definitely going to be taking the pacifier away before my kid is a year old. I'm definitely not going to be one of those moms with a three-year-old still running around with a binky in their mouth though.
03.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
Day #1! I realized pretty quickly though that I probably shouldn't have done that.
03.11.2016 Нравится Ответить
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