and then like @purpledpink said make sure to keep a log of anything. Courts wants proof, and anything you can provide will help. just bc you keep your kid from him doesn't mean it'll hurt your case esp if you feel your child isn't safe.
@green7dusty, just keep a log of anything he does/says... like anything threatening to you. If he's not on the BC, let him spend the money to try and have it changed. Your a good mama, and you know what is best for your son!
@ainsleighsmumma, @purpledpink Thank you, dad drinks and can be violent, although never with me. hates him (he just screams when he's there). I do not get child support nor have been to court. He is extremely controlling and the stress is affecting breastfeeding @kbrown91 He's not on the birth certificate but I think he might file against me.
@green7dusty, exactly what @ainsleighsmumma says. In addition to that, if you have a "reason" to keep him away from his dad (dad is violent, drinking, drugs, etc), it may help in your favor to not have him go there, especially if the court has not mandated times for your son to see his dad.
As long as you haven't been told by the courts that your child's father has to get him/her a certain hours a week or on the weekends then you can keep your child away from whoever you feel necessary. If the courts have told you that the child has to be with the father certain days then you have to abide by those court laws