My OH is obsessed with wanting to give our 4 month old water!
He doesn't need it, he isn't constipated. I think the MIL has been harping on about him needing it again 😩
How's about this - my one never holds baby's neck when picking her up making her head flop 😡 and just says 'oh you won't believe how strong and resilient they are' I cringggeeee! X
My mil is the same. He was crying the other day (he was tired and fights his sleep) I knew fine well he wanted cuddles but when I went in she was trying to give him calpol to shut him up. I was like eh no! Xx
Dont even go there 😂 my mil was trying to give Scarlett chips today and she's barely 6 months! She's only even had milk 😂 I was just like not happening haha. Wouldn't even give her chips if I had started feeding her food 🙃 x
i think some people just think well we all need a drink . i gave my lottle girl water at 4 months an she 9 years old now . i think its each to there own x