hi ladies juat an update on the twins. both doing fantastic, archie is alittle behind as he was only 3lb 6oz but bottle feeding and putting weight on. issac is ready for home as he is feeding and completely alert but we have to wait a week until he is 35 week gestation. im currently 2 hours from home and havent seen my other children since Tuesday, but we now have beds available at a closer hospital to home. still a 40 minute journey but better than 2 hours!
the problem with archie was he had a gas lock in his cord which stopped the blood flow and my hospital didnt pick up on it. im grateful they are both here safe but knowing this could have been prevented makes me a little mad. the hospital im in in halifax has been amazing and i cannot thank them enough for everything.
husband is adamant about putting an official complaint in so this doesnt happen to other mums. to say in 7 weeks ive had 11 scans and this missed something so serious that gave my baby an 8% chance of survival is not acceptable!
hope your all doing well xxx