this has been the longest journey of my whole life, I found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks, had some bleeding at 7.5 weeks, hemorrhaged at 10.5 (and almost lost the baby which started on mothers day and continued through my birthday) stayed on bed rest for two and a half weeks, been on light duty begging my job to keep working me, had 7 straight weeks of nausea, and finally at 30 weeks diagnosed gestational diabetic. I've dome all of this with out the full support of my daughters father, i've had to learn to be strong for her and for myself. because now no matter what I will love her above any one. I love her assaulting my organs, and giving me constant heartburn, she's strong and stubborn and I wouldn't have her any other way, now that she's dropped it's only a matter of time for her to make her debut... so now we wait out the next few weeks in anticipation.