afternoon mummies..
well my little boy is 4 days old and my mood doesn't seem to be improving. I'm really emotional crying at the smallest things. this morning because I couldn't find the instruction manual to the pram i had just put down!
last night both my one and a half year old and little man were crying and I just broke down.
I dont think I can do this!! I knew it would be hard but I'm scared of not coping because it's not going so well. my partner is really supportive but it doesn't help how i feel. will this go away? xx

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@sara-lou, yes I've noticed that I have to leave the room if it gets too much for me and have a breather!!

@noshinxoxo i feel the same way! feel like a failure already! because I don't feel I'm coping!
just going to have to keep telling myself it will get better and hopefully easier! found it okay with my daughter but maybe that cos she was the only baby xx
28.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
Baby blues lasted 4+ weeks for me. Not only was I breaking down hysterical in tears, my relationship with hubs was suffering and I really felt I was coping horribly, even feared for my own sanity around my newborn at times. My LO is now 6 weeks and only for the last few days have I started to feel slightly okay again. Baby's are hard hard hard work and pair that with hormones from birth and from milk coming in etc. It's a terrifying time. As you've mentioned your OH is very supportive, mine was too and we're very lucky for that. Just hang in there xxx
28.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
Sometimes you do just need someone take over while you calm down a bit. When I got too overwhelmed (which was usually during the night) I'd wake my husband to have a cuddle just so I could go to the bathroom and have a few mins. Then go back with a fresh head.
28.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
@sara-lou, thank you.. I will do. I do have happy moments just not a lot of them at the moment.. I really hope it doesn't last week's! but if it does i think I just need to be aware of it.

@suzie80 I'm sorry to hear that little one is unwell. my boy had jaundice but thank fully it's below the treatment line at the moment they are coming back out again tomorrow so will check him again. I hope you feel better soon. I hope we both do!
thank you ladies. xx
28.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
I've been the same I had my baby early hours on Tuesday and at home I was bawling all the time. Now we've been readmitted due to her being u well and now being tube fed with jaundice and I was so bad last night they had to send me out to have a break and take her threw the night as she was up every hour 24 hours before being ill and it all caught up. Baby blues suck
28.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
Aw it can get overwhelming. I was very emotional after having both my boys. More so with Max. Morgan is 2yrs so much more independent but Max was very demanding the first few weeks & it took some time to adjust. Baby blues is common but with baby blues you also have happy bursts as well as sad. If your finding yourself constantly sad and down with no happy moments don't be afraid to talk to someone about it. For me it got better after a few weeks. It'll get better don't worry 😊🖒
28.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
for weeks... really.. so it will settle? I'm glad yours got better sweet that gives me hope!
I have the midwife coming out again tomorrow so i will mention it to her. I'm already on my antidepressants took them all the way through with him. xx
28.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
Many women get the baby blues....For weeks...I would just cry every night..but it got better :) But I would make an appointment with your GP hun.....Women also get PND xxx
28.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
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