guys does this look like two sacs? the lady didn't say anything when she was doing the ultra sound but someone said it looked like it so I'm kinda freaking out right now.
Idt it's twins... you can clearly see where the uterus is, the one sac and you can even see your cervix area under that. It's gotta be some sort of reflection :)
Hmmm well she was no help lol. I asked my SO what he sees without saying anything except for what do you see and he said a circle here and another circle. Def gonna be a long 2 weeks girl @njja53
yes but she didn't say anything about there being two I even asked I was like are there two in there and she just said something about we are just looking at the sac right now you'll find that out in two weeks @lp1988727 @rennysmommy
Looks like it may be something outside of the uterus too maybe but looks like 2 to me lol I'm not an ultrasound tech or anything but just guessing see where the dark black line is around the 1st baby I think that's the uterus and the other is just outside of that so could be some other organ I think or it could just be the angle making it look like it's outside of it. Just giving ideas to ease your mind lol
major props to you ! because I can barely handle the two I got now and one didn't come out of me lol @mommahicksxoxo it wouldnt be so bad if my 8 month old would sleep for more than 45 minutes at a time lol
this is going to be the longest two weeks of my life if that's two that means I'm going to have four kids they going to have to put me in the crazy house lol @maygi0221 @mommahicksxoxo @jess007