That's awesome! My daughter wants nothing to do with a bottle or paci lol but to increase your supply drink lots of water and eat oatmeal and actually Pinterest has tons of breastfeeding superfoods and supply boosting recipes that are really easy!
I hope so because this baby actually latches VERY good .. sucks from nipple & bottle so if he nurses good why not keep nursing? I just want my supply to increase lbs @mrscruz0530
Yes I'm trying to nurse & pump as much as I can thru out the night when he wakes up I nurse him.. during the day if the toddler isn't being too busy I pump & still nurse sometimes @mrscruz0530 & hopefully I have a schedule @beebaby
Oh ok so it's tougher for you I'm sorry :/ if you can get any help for your other baby take as much as you can get during this time. I know not everyone has help all the time in not sure what your situation is but if the help is there take it and if not then it's ok as long as your baby is fed that's all that matters
Ohhhh ok @mrscruz0530 Yea See I'm Tending To A 21 Month Old & New Baby Its A Challenge & Yea He's Mainly Peeing Not Getting Enough Poop Diapers @beebaby
No you didn't cause it from pumping it's normal especially during growth spurts u just kinda have to go with it and it'll pass. For me personally I dedicated myself to feeding her and had my husband deal with the housework and cooking cuz she was always on my nipple lol but my supply was crazy after that but no u didn't cause it from pumping I'm just saying if u pump too much your body will make a lot and it can be painful
Cause I HATE giving him formula the most I'll give him is 1 bottle of it ... is it normal his poop kinda slowed down? When he does it's a blow out (breast milk color of course)
Your baby can get way more milk than any pump can and your body takes your babies saliva and evaluates what he needs. If he's sick (or you) your body will create antibodies, if he's more hungry for body will also adjust to that! It's crazy what our bodies can do so just trust yourself 🙂 also pumping before six weeks can cause a painful over supply at this age they will cluster feed and it could even be for comfort so don't think your not making enough for him a lot of moms get worried when they see what they pump but it's not the same as what your baby will get
As long as you feed on demand your good I don't pump and I have a great supply my daughter has never needed a bottle. Instead of supplementing stick him back on the boob your supply will grow
No it just be maybe a 4hr gap when he nurses .. I do supplement if he's been back & forth on each the boobs for like almost an hr he just acts so greedy I don't be feeling like making bottles I either pump a bottle or 2 or Nurse him but like after 2 hrs of nursing him I don't pump much @beebaby