Of course... we suck. Lol @mommastone I'm trying so hard not to be like that w my daughter, a fear is that I will be without noticing. Ugh. Knock on wood!
My parents saw us two weeks ago and thought when they came over today it has been way too long. Like hello, sorry? We don't have a close relationship so she's so clingy. @bodaciousb6
my mom is ALWAYS the victim. She makes sure everyone knows it. Omfg it's so annoying like can I be the kid for once and you be the adult?! Maybe if my dad was normal but two parents that need me to be the parent.
I'm so glad my hubby supports us. I can't be there more than 15 minutes .. sometimes she's okay but most it's like Oh my goodness mom.
my baby burped while my mom was holding him the other day and she says "ugh why dont people burp their babies anymore!" umm you mean ME and I DO. God forbid he randomly burps on his own 😒😒
@mommastone, my mom was like it's okay if I'm not in the room. it's your choice like okay I don't want you in the room then she is like you're my only daughter and I'll never experience it and so on and so forth