Am getting my sweep today.... and am complete and utter freaking out!! 😣😣 got the shakes and everything!
so many people saying it works, then saying it doesn't and so uncomfortable.... why did I listen to people's stories😒
It didn't work for me and I had two... First one they couldn't even get to my cervix. Also, how uncomfortable it is depends on your midwife, one felt like she was trying to shove her hole hand up there and second one a hardly felt xx
@rms18 You'll be fine :) Everyone experiences it differently :) just telling you my personal experience :) some feel pain from it and others don't...just relax :) May depend on who is doing it also :) When I got my sweep I had only just been having sex for over a year..and sex had caused me a lot of problems down below so maybe that's why it was painful...but who knows xxx