You are so lucky @jeanetta25 I wanted a boy first just because I wanted him to be the big brother but it's ok. My daughter will do a good job at being the big sister 💕
That could happen that's why I tried to put space between mines . Wasn't planing on 7yrs though lol . Well I hope when you decide to try again you get your boy so you can have the best of both worlds . I think I just got lucky I wanted a boy first and got that and wanted a girl second and got that too so it's safe to say il be done once she gets here . @nelianiz.elize
Awww that's nice @jeanetta25 I can't wait to have my next baby . I hope I have a boy because I already have a girl and she drives me crazy ! I think she's going to be jealous of a new baby though because she doesn't like people touching me .
No it's. Nothing wrong with it . I mean most have there's back to back and that's fine they'll have a playmate . I wanted mines back to back but then I changed my mind because I wanted to enjoy my son and give him all my attention while he was little instead of having to split it . So I said when he turned 4/5 but here it is 7yrs later 😑 lol . But it still works because he's old enough to do his own thing and to help out he's going to drive her crazy lol !! Cause he's soooo protective of lil ones every time she blink or turn her head he gone be right there like what cha doing you okay lol.