I was told to get some cheap high rising knickers just in case you have to have a section as otherwise your underwear will put pressure on the incision.
Also get some fluffy socks or slippers ☺️ x
Aww yeah go mad in primark! ☺️ I have some from new look, H&M, mothercare, asda & primark. The ones from primark are probably the nicer looking ones as they're black & pink lace. The asda ones & H&M are very comfy. I'm not too keen on the new look ones to be honest. Xx
I don't have much comfy loose stuff..have to go on a little shopping trip I reckon! Primark is calling 😏 where did you get your nursing bras from @emmaelaine ? X
I've got a cheap nighty from primark & a couple of my OHs T shirts for birthing in as I know I'll want to change regularly if I'm hot and sweaty. And for coming home I've just got sweat pants & a lose T shirt & jacket, it's just super comfy ☺️ I have 3 nursing bras also in case I end up in the birthing pool & because I plan on breast feeding x
Ok thanks ladies ☺️ @amylouise9789 @tiffany84331 Think I'm just going to find a cheap nightie from somewhere, didn't think of primark!😏 Youse getting maternity bras for breastfeeding (if breastfeeding) or?? Xx
with my first I wore a long light thin top that went down to just below my waste with a non under wire bra, I think my top actually ended up off! to go home in I wore loose fitting clothes.