Kamila's actually got worst because my mom put this one cream on her that we use in my country on babies for everything and fixes the problem but on Kamila it burned her and liquid started coming out so it got worst. I took her to the ER and they said it could be the formula and had me change her formula for one that starts with an N and extra expensive. Looked like it actually was the formula but the rash is still there and some days worst than others. It's so annoying. @mamahoude
@kamilasmama, I haven't seen the dr for his yet I'm waiting for his 9 month appointment in a couple weeks. They prob will tell me the same thing though. Is it red looking? Some patches are red and others are just normal skin color but rough. I'm wondering if it is the detergent I'm using. 🤔 I don't think it bothers him it just bothers me mostly lol
She has it only on her cheeks and a bit on her head but it isn't that bad but sucks 😩 what did the doctor tell you to use? I just went today and the doctor told me to put hydrocortisone ointment 2x a day with aquaqhor ointment on top @adensmommy @mamahoude