Anyone in TN know the laws on abusive relationships with infant involved??? Is it illegal for me to take my daughter out of state without his okay on it?? ... I don't have family in TN and I can't go stay with friends.... I need to get my daughter and myself out of this situation. I have proof of an abusive relationship and cops been out here twice.

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where I live you can't take child out of state if you both share custody. it would be considered kidnapping. I would contact a resource that helps with abusive relationships near you first
15.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'm pretty sure wherever you go is fine because you are the mother. I don't think that would be considered kidnapping or anything if that answers your question.
15.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'm not from there but I think you should speak to law enforcement and have it documented and talk to them and tell them you absolutely need to get away from him. You should look into local shelters or programs in your area. There are tons of programs that help women in abusive relationships they can get you to ska say place where nobody can find your location and you can stay there until you get the ok from courts or whoever to leave the state. Some programs can even get you into your own apartment and can help you pay rent. Look into it because you could be saving your guys' life. You obviously know it's an unhealthy situation so the quicker you can get out the better, and they can help. I hope everything gets better for you guys. Here if you every need to talk 💞
15.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
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