My daughter is 5 months old. For the best interest of my child I want to get her last name changed to mine. Is there way? and how would I go about doing so?
I live in Indiana. Based on your situation you should be able to file for emergency custody... If I were you I personally would talk to a lawyer, most do free consults, explain the situation and see what they think. If you file a protective order it will be a lot easier to get awarded primary custody even in an emergency situation. I have been encouraged to do the same but I haven't filed for a protective order yet. I'm sorry you're dealing with that.. you or your daughter don't deserve it.
@emkasting, What state do you live you???
I'm dealing with a physically abusive guy. I am trying to get my daughter away from him and i want her safe...meaning I don't want him to be able to take her
My baby is about to be 5 months old and I'm trying to do the SAME thing. I talked to a lawyer and everything and here's what I found out (check your state laws for deviations) if the father is in the child's life or attempting to be you do have to get him to sign the papers for the name change as well. My guess is you probably don't want to hear that cause I sure as hell didn't. In my state if the father doesn't have interest in seeing the child within a 30-60 day period you can file for termination of parental rights based on abandonment and then he basically doesn't have any say.
Yes go to your local county clerk or family court - they can direct you and walk you through the steps you have to take in your state. It should be relatively easy unless the father contests it