@stefaniamarie, My son has never had any diaper rash before this is his first time getting one :( it all started when he got sick from dehydration and his virus that he had that caused him to have diarrhea. His diarrhea had stopped last week and he had cleared up! It all started again 3 days ago and it just started getting very bad today!! I've tried the purple and blue desitin but they don't work.
@matthewsmommy, it depends.. how long has he had it and have you tried anything else? Id go with whatever has the most zinc oxide, that's the main ingredient that clears it up. My son had horrible rashes, I used the pure desitin at the time, it smelt like fish oil! but it did the trick. For My daughters I use butt paste or desitin, hers clear up easily. A few times my sons wouldn't clear up no matter what I did! The doc had to give me Nystatin powder for thrush, and since I was breastfeeding I'd have to take it orally and put it on my nipples too...
@ssdj4, @ainsleighsmumma Thanks girls! I'm definitely going to give Dr Smiths a try! My son has this awful diaper rash caused by diarrhea. My poor baby! 😔