Is it just me or is there any other mommies out there that lost all cravings for sex after they gave birth..

What did you do to get it back.. or did it ever come back?

Sucks when it's part of the things needed to keep the relationship healthy 😑

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@sharondeshonta, girl I do. Lol. Every time I go to my moms house for the weekend. I don't tell him when I'm coming back and as soon as I get home I go upstairs and check everything. And then that night while he sleep I check his phone. We have the same phone. Color and everything lol idk why but I be checking... and nothing 😁. I'm just scared for the day I do find something.
14.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
@adensmommy, girl I'm definitely not but I don't want to just be assuming because of what he is saying. You know.. I know people say things they don't mean to be mean when they mad so it's like idk lol.
14.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
@adensmommy,yea so far it's not happening. He has threatened to seek pleasure else were. I believe he has already. I just can't prove it.
14.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
@wandal24, girl I know that feeling. My son just stopped co sleeping. He don't like sleeping w us 😔. But I hear you. I be feeling like.. sex what is that?
14.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
Yeah exactly plus i co sleep with baby in between us he sleeps in his bassinet so no way we can even make body contact. And yea it's my first child, I be tired and no time to think about 🍆😒
14.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
@wandal24, that's where my mind is.. I'm just like how you thinking about sex when there is a 2 month old who needs attention 24/7... is this your first child?
14.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
Same with me I don't want none 😐 my man wants it but I don't. He comes and tells me I need to heal perfectly so he can get it on but am not even looking forward to it 😣. For some reason I feel like it doesn't attract me anymore cus I am breastfeeding and my mind is all about the baby not sex
14.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
@hannahbbtt, how does your SO feel about it. Does he complain and argue w you about it
14.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
@adensmommy, no we haven't. He don't understand that I just don't want any parts. I think knowing that he wants more kids and I don't plays a part , but we just argue about it. I feel bad sometimes but other times I'm just like..we bout to see how strong this relationship is.
14.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
Thank you! Im not the only one. Last time me and my SO had sex was when I was two months preggo and my baby is almost three months now.. 😐 idk why I don't wanna anymore either
14.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
@adensmommy, we couldn't have sex in the first 3 months due to Drs orders and then by 7 months we were scared of hurting the baby. And I haven't had a craving for it since... like I want no parts... at all
14.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
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