Anyone else 2 month old screams Bloody Mary when you take them out the bathtub.
π it's a everyday thing
I thought it was hunger so I feed him before hand. About 30 mins before... I don't think it's that he is tired because he would just be getting up from a nap. So it's pretty much wake up from a nap wait 5 mins. Get a bottle wait half hour and then bath time.
After bath he is good, but once I start putting his shirt on it's as if he realized he isn't going back in the bath...
My daughter does the same thing! she loves being in the bath but as soon as she comes out she flips - I do too wrap her up to keep her warm but she does the same screaming routine you're describing. I think they're just saying "hey I wanna go back to having fun in there" lol
@bria, I do. I have a thick blanket that I wrap around his towel when I take him out and only open the parts that I need to keep him from getting to cold.