Not like we don't clean him. I mean when he's older >.< sorry. We run a lot of culture swabs on boys who don't like to be clean. Or older adult men with "sores" in the folds from lack of cleanliness >.<
Mine is getting his done on the 21st. He was in the nicu for 3 months because he was a 29 weeker. I'm a little nervous but I know from working in the hospital that it's cleaner for him to get it. Less chance of him getting bacterial or viral infections.
Yeah he was born at 32 weeks 5 days and his Due date was Oct 4th... but his dr said he wont do it since he is over a month old so we have to go to a Urology center to get it done. @babyrossmommy
11.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
He was premie right? So technically by the time you do it would be the right time you would be doing it out of the womb.. r
@m_a_z_k_foster, @babyrossmommy okay thank you! I was worried about getting it done at this age, but I feel like itll be better for him in the long run
11.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
My husband was 3 months getting his done. He was 25 weeks when he was born. He tells me all the time how thankful he is that his mom did it
I got my sons done shortly after he came home from the NICU he was in the hospital for about a month so he was about 2 months I'm assuming once he got it done can't remember exactly as it was 3 and half years ago lol