It's hard to pump every time baby eats my mother in law always wants to be in the room when she is drinking her bottle. so I dont pump because I feel vary uncomfortable when she is in there. she knows that I dont like her in there when I pump but does not care she stays in the room. so I dont pump because I don't want her seeing me. It up sets me because there is nothing I can do and I already don't make enough for my baby girl and she does not latch... I dont know what to do because every time I say something it starts a fight and I start to cry..
I agree with @cubanese ...your baby comes first you need to pump so your baby can eat ...I would take out my boob and make her feel uncomfortable she should respect that you need to do certain things for your baby. I sometimes feel uncomfortable about taking my boob out or pump but I look at it as my daughter should come first even if it makes people feel uncomfortable...I use a breastfeeding cover or a blanket over helps in public and my shyness may work for you :)