My 10-month-old won't stop hitting me and scratching me, i'm positive she knows the word no but she doesn't care every time I say it. How can I get her to stop? I know you shouldn't discipline a child this young so I really just don't know what to do

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I wouldn't personally hit to show hitting isn't okay, at 10mo thats especially confusing. 10mo is also really young to understand the concept of time out... Theres a difference between disciplining and punishing and 10mo definitely isn't too soon to discipline. Try to figure out why she's hitting. Why is she angry/frustrated? Try to remove her from things that frustrate her before they can. Is she tired? Over stimulated? When does she usually do it? When she hits tell her thats not nice and we don't hit because that hurts and then redirect to something else. ссылка Theres a part 2 for when you the child is over 3 as well. I practice positive parenting and have lots of other links that can be helpful if thats something you're interested in.
06.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
You can put her in a time out and maybe give her a "pow pow" on her hand. You need to be consistent and let her know it's not funny and not okay.
06.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
Sidenote; She does this maliciously. It is by no means an accident. lol
06.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
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