we went to the pet store to look at fish because we wanted to get my daughter a fish tank...she was so uninterested in the fish but she saw the birds and wouldn't stop looking and talking to them...she's always loved the ones outside. so we decided to adopt a couple parakeets into our family. we are having trouble with names...we are not sure on the sex as they are young but we think the white is a male and the blue is female...we should know in a month or so. any idea on names?
If it's a boy (blue) and girl(white) : snow and charming (Snow White Prince Charming ) if it's 2 girls Snow White and Cinderella or another princess name .
@allyk.xmommy good idea...I said snow before but my husband wanted to see if we though of something else lol. he wanted blue but I love sky for the blue one.