Anybody know what could help my knee?

A few weeks ago I fell and dislocated it, the hospital put a brace as such on (you can see it in some pics). I got the all clear yesterday and was allowed to take it off - now all of a sudden I've got a huge nagging pain in my knee & it aches. I can walk but it absolutely kills. I phoned 111 & they told me to keep it elevated but it just makes it worse ☹️

I know it's probably where the support has come off but it kills 😣😣

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@sheree_, yeah i'd thought so.. knees are the worst! i hurt it once and had to have the same procedures .. arnica gel helps a lot! and eventually physio to strenghten it. wish u all the best xx
04.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
I went to the doctors, they saw me as an emergency. They've referred me to the hospital for tomorrow. Got an appointment with my consultant, they reckon I should go back onto the brace then start physio once little one is here @jod1303 @apunini xxx
04.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
ask them if u can use the knee support until youve had baby. the extra weight youre carrying will tske a strain xx
04.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
try and do some stretching and take it very easy. id still use the knee support for harder tasks like going for walks etc. and slowly get your knee not used to it anymore. there are just some muscles that havent been used due to that. u just need to strenghten them slowly. do also some massage to it. xx
04.10.2016 Нравится Ответить
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