I honestly have no idea how I'm going to cope today, I keep getting contractions (that still aren't regular) but the pain is already too much :( I can't sleep which adds to the extra joy of being induced.
@xkathrynlouise, @lauren1996 aww good luck both of you... hope it happens soon for you.
I am ringing midwife today just because, even though I can feel lil one moving still occasional, it's no where near as much as usual. but I dot want to come across paranoid or impatient like I'm picking but there genuinely have been not as much movement as normal... is this normal? x
Oooh good luck Lauren @lauren1996 I'm with you pain wise every step of the way!! I'm now classed as high risk and won't be leaving without my baby :) eeeeek 🙈 X
I'm at royal glam! And they induced me at 2oclock this morning as really high blood pressure think it's preeclampsia see and I've had the pessary and jeez!! The pains are coming!!@xkathrynlouise xxx
Oooh have you been induced already? I may not need the pessary as my contractions are coming on their own, bloody awful isn't it ! @lauren1996 which hospital you at ? X