hi ladies this is my little boy Jacob he is coming up to 6 1/2 months old. We are starting to ween him. He will only eat baby food from 7 months as they have bits in he's not fussed on puree dinners !! i would just like some advice on how you all started to weening your little ones..esp giving ''finger good'' for the first time ...I'm a bag of nerves incase he choked on something I give him like toast or carrot sticks what's your experiences please maybe help put my mind at ease xx
The first few things I gave my son at 6months was veg & fruit sticks to gum. I cut them into long stick shapes so my son could easily hold them & it wasn't too small. Then toast & rusks. It is scary but honestly he'll be fine. Sometimes they gag when their getting used to food in their mouth. Often this is mistaken for choking but it's not.
My baby is 14months and she gags quite a lot even now on most things (she's the worst for it out of all four). It's hard to see them do it but it is how they learn.
My girl eats anything...toast...cucumber...banana...avocado...strawberries , blueberries (i cut those up) cheese cubes
...boiled egg...Broccoli...cauliflower...xx
My girl has finger foods and we have had no problems :) gagging is a normal reflex though...its there way of learning to 'chew' and use their tongue in a different way :) From what I've read...if a baby seems to be choking...not gasping for air though...let them work it out...as helping them can actually make them choke. Interference is only needed if they are gasping or going blue xxx