When push comes to shove all you care about is baby.. It was the most terrifying amazing beautiful undignified moment of my life nothing will top it! X
@sheree_, oh so it's very close then haha, hopefully the little one is here by Wednesday at the latest for you!! I've still got just under 8 weeks to go and totally not prepared! I hope it goes quick for you hun!xxx
I'm due tomorrow but I doubt baby will come! I genuinely think little one knows how much I want to know the gender, so they're gonna stay put longer 😂, wow 49 hours? I couldn't do that! 😦😦 my mum was in labour with my little sister for almost 20 hours 😳 I just remember her saying 'you'll be next' bloody hope it won't be 20 hours! @winterbaby95 @stephyb95 xxx
@winterbaby95, I heard getting induced is agony I hope he just makes it as easy as possible but I doubt he will, he's probably as stubborn as his Mama 😂xx
@winterbaby95, I hope so! hopefully when the time comes I'll be too busy focusing on getting him out to worry about all the other stuff! @sheree_ I hope mine is quick too, my friend had her baby 2 weeks ago and was in 49 hours before the baby came...don't think I'd cope with that 😂 hope your little one makes a swift arrival!!xxx
@winterbaby95, @jessicahorn @sheree_ it'd not so much the actual labour it's more I'm terrified incase something goes wrong cause that's all my midwives have kept going on and on about "we just have to tell you the risks" like 5 times and I'm sitting there with my eyes about popping out my head 😂😂 hopefully everything will go okay!xxx
sometimes labour isn't too bad.. mine was fine 3 hours from waters breaking to my daughter being born 😁 honestly just go with the flow and when you wanna push fucking push 😂😂😂
Labour will be fine girls :) Your bodies know what to do...just go with the flow 😚😚 Just try and relax :) My midwives wondered if I was even in labour because I was so relaxed and quiet (except to ask if I was pooping inbetween contractions/pushing 😂) xxx Just dont think about it...just see how it is when the time comes xx @stephyb95 @sheree_ xxx