I had it done twice. On both times just when they up the dosage it gets more painful n pretty intense. First kid I got it done at 8 had the baby at 6:25 the same day. N now with my 2nd I had it done at 11 n had her at 2:28 the same day. I went natural both times.
28.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
my water broke naturally, but I was only 2 cm so I was put on pitocin. I went 27 hours on it with barely any pain (no pain meds/epidural used either) and only ended up dilating to 3 cm. I ended up having a c-section
ive been iduced with it twice with both my kids. its not that bad but the contractions get really intence and i dont get pain meds i have my kids natural.
They started me at two and nothing happened up it to 4 and start to dilate upped it to 6 and was at 5 cm, less than 2 hours late was 8cm, 30 minutes later 9cm and within 20 minutes I was ready to push. The contractions are painful but after the epidural I couldn't feel a thing.