I need help ftm my baby turned 3 months on 22nf and always kind of put her fist/fingers in her mouth even after I feed her but now it's like violently almost idk a better word for it and today I noticed her pulling her hair on the side of her head?? I'm not sure what's going on she's super fussy and advice/tips would be greatly appreciated!

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Thanks for your input ladies!! I'm thinking it's just teething! With the pulling of the hair she does it while we fist is in her mouth and she's so angry!! My poor baby she just did it twice today tho so hopefully no more! @mommatay22 @alexalexa @manicdoodler
28.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'm not sure what the pulling on hair is but the sucking on her hand is how baby's comfort themselves or teething..
27.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
My son turned 3 months on the 19th. He's been doing the same thing. I know it's about time for the milestone of them noticing their hands. Teething is another possibility.
27.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
My son did this when he was teething, Rubbing his gums or chewing on a frozen washcloth helped some. Actually had to put a hat on him for a while because I was afraid he would pull his hair out!
27.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
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