So my sister has a son who is almost 7 months now ... and I think she's got post partum depression she hasn't slept.. and has been yelling at him because he's screaming .. which I know sometimes people get frustrated and yell but hers is on a different level. And the last two days I have been taking care of him cause she won't get up. Today I fed him and woke her up and was like you need to change his diaper and she didn't even change him till like 30 mins ago so he sat in a wet diaper. She needs some help .. advice ?

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try and get her to go talk to her doctor about it. she & her baby will thank you in the long run 💙 she may not see it as a depression but just frustration and maybe need a little push to go figure something out to make her feel better for herself and especially her baby.
27.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
mad ensmommy, see when I watched him he didn't cry or scream.. I really feel like he just wants some attention and someone to play with him.. idk man it's sad really ..
27.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
Only advice i can give is for her to see a doctor ASAP
27.09.2016 Нравится Ответить
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